A very special screening (only one in North America) of a documentary film called "Mount St. Elias: the Longest Ski Descent Ever" will be happening this Friday night, at 8pm in Squaw Valley. This film is near and dear to my heart, as it not only tells a story of the individuals who succeeded in summiting and skiing this 18,000 foot behemoth in Alaska, but it also weaves the real life attempt to do the same by my friend of many years ago, Aaron Martin, who lost his life during his descent. I am looking forward to seeing this story unfold on the big screen with all it's visual beauty, but also am looking forward to finally feeling like I can have closure on this chapter of my world, and the world of so many others whom Aaron affected. He was a bigger than life, and his adventures in climbing and skiing demonstrated this. He left us nearly 8 years ago, but his goofy smile still burns in my memory, and his great bear hugs, I can still feel. To learn more about Aaron's attempt, you can read an excellent write up here:
If you want to come check it out for yourself, you can buy tickets at Uncorked, in the Squaw Village, for $20 in advance, or purchase tickets at the door for $25. Screening will be in the Plaza Bar, at Squaw Valley USA. Doors open at 7pm. Hope to see you there.